New Vortex Brands Board Member is Well-familiar with the Potential of PAS Technology

New Vortex Brands Board Member is Well-familiar with the Potential of PAS Technology

America is a global leader in many aspects, but when it comes to energy efficiency, we’ve got some work to do. The United States ranks 10th out of 25 of the world’s largest energy users, based on efficiency metrics, and the World Economic Forum reports that the nation wastes 68% of the energy it produces. Obvious is the need for advanced technology to reduce this waste, and electrical and environmental engineer John Nunley knows just where to find it.

Nunley has 40 years of professional experience that includes energy conservation methodology, energy efficiency and renewable energy development, project controls, new wind generation technology product development, environmental testing. While serving as director of the Wyoming Energy Office (1991-2003), he was introduced to Phase Angle Synchronization (PAS) technology, an exceptional innovation that removes and recycles wasted kilowatts from congested electrical wires.

The Wyoming Energy Office installed PAS units in three unrelated facilities, where the technology successfully improved energy consumption. Its rapid and stellar performance at a cold storage facility in Laramie, however, took everyone by surprise.

“After the first full month of operation, the monthly power requirements had dropped so drastically that the power company in Laramie sent one of their technicians out to check the meter at the facility. They were convinced that the meter was broken and needed to be replaced,” Nunley recently stated.

Instead, the technicians found nothing other than dramatic efficiency. PAS not only improved the facility’s waste problem, but its caliber of efficiency meant the plant could operate using less energy. For more than a decade, Nunley continued to follow the development of this promising technology, then marketed by Tripac Systems.

“At the time, it was intriguing to think about the massive potential of the PAS technology once implemented on a large scale,” said Nunley.

Unbeknownst to anyone, Nunley would later be part of a team working to bring an advanced version of this technology to market.

Vortex Brands Co. (OTC: VTXB) is the current marketer of PAS technology. As part of its manufacturing and marketing strategy, the company is adding new members to its team and recently asked Nunley to join its board of directors. While Nunley’s professional experience and industry contacts greatly complement the company’s vision, perhaps the greatest value is his familiarity with PAS technology.

“With John’s years of experience and prior experience with an early version of our product, he is passionate about helping us to bring our product to market and will begin immediately networking with key contacts that we want to include in the rollout… ,” stated CEO Todd Higley.

To fully appreciate PAS technology’s potential, you need to understand how Vortex Brands intends to use it.

In 2018, U.S. utility-scale electricity facilities generated roughly 4.2 trillion kilowatt-hours (kWh), a large majority of which goes to waste. Vortex Brands intends to reduce energy waste and improve electric grid infrastructure using a “share of savings” business model. Under this model, power companies will use (not purchase) PAS technology and energy efficiency services to reduce generation, operation and maintenance costs. Power companies can then relay their cost savings to consumers while still generating revenues.

Vortex Brands says this strategy will benefit the company and its shareholders, as well as utility companies, the consumer and the environment. Bringing Nunley on board only accelerates this potential.

“I believe the benefits that can be derived from the implementation of the technology can be significant in terms of environmental emissions reductions, while having social and industry benefits by overall reductions in the cost of electricity,” he said. “It is my hope and intention that as a board member I can help Vortex brands promote this technology in a fashion that will bring it to mainstream acceptance.”

Witnessing the power of PAS technology in its earliest forms, Nunley has renewed confidence in its potential to the energy industry.

“I am confident that… this technology, when implemented by electric utility companies, can and will reduce the amount of power they need to generate, thereby reducing their power generation costs by being able to purchase less fuel, can reduce the congestion on existing power lines, and can help to reduce their overall environmental emissions,” he said.

Next up for Vortex Brands is the establishment of an R&D facility in the State of Washington, in close proximity to core members of its team. The company is also moving toward manufacturing and earlier this month said it will begin placing orders for components of the PAS units. With no introduction necessary, Nunley is ready to hit the ground running and help bring this technology to market.

About the Author

Stuart Smith is the CEO and Founder of is a recognized corporate investor relations firm, with clients nationwide, known for its ability to help emerging growth companies build a following among retail and institutional investors. utilizes its stock newsletter to feature its daily stock picks, audio interviews, as well as its clients’ financial news releases. also offers individual investors all the tools they need to make informed decisions about the stocks they are interested in. Tools like stock charts, stock alerts, and Company Information Sheets can assist with investing in stocks that are traded on the OTC BB and Pink Sheets. To learn more about and their services, please visit

About the Author

Stuart Smith is the CEO and Founder of is a recognized corporate investor relations firm, with clients nationwide, known for its ability to help emerging growth companies build a following among retail and institutional investors. utilizes its stock newsletter to feature its daily stock picks,  audio interviews, as well as its clients’ financial news releases. also offers individual investors all the tools they need to make informed decisions about the stocks they are interested in. Tools like stock charts, stock alerts, and Company Information Sheets can assist with investing in stocks that are traded on the OTC BB and Pink Sheets. To learn more about and their services, please visit us here.

