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Sparx Holdings Group, Inc. (OTC:SHGI)

Sparx Holdings Group, Inc. Aims to Revolutionize the Fire Sprinkler Industry

At Sparx Holdings Group, Inc. we are designing our products for the modern warehouse and storage customer. The Sparx™ Smart Sprinkler System is intended to protect warehouses and storage facilities that may experience complex and challenging fire scenarios.

With the Sparx™ Smart Sprinkler System, we intend to significantly enhance both the response time of conventional sprinkler systems and their effectiveness in combating complex fires, such as in buildings with tall ceiling heights, intricate architectural designs, crowded storage arrangements, and the storage of hazardous commodities. The Sparx™ Smart Sprinkler System is designed to interface with conventional sprinkler heads, enhancing their responsiveness and enabling effective communication and collaboration among sprinklers to optimize fire response.

We leverage software and electronics to suppress or extinguish fires quickly and effectively.
Our patent-pending technology provides us with a unique framework to detect fires and activate sprinklers electronically, enabling us to address hazards very early on in fire development.
Our multi-sensor technology allows for ultimate detection accuracy.
Not every fire is the same – some fires smolder while others quickly erupt in flames. With our multi-sensor designs we are able to accurately detect fires with confidence in numerous scenarios.
We can respond to fires with multiple sprinklers, simultaneously.

We can actuate multiple sprinklers positioned around fire origin at the same time to saturate the fire and wet adjacent areas to prevent fire spread.

About Sparx Holdings Group, Inc.

Sparx Holdings Group, Inc. (SHGI) is an emerging fire protection technology company dedicated to providing our customers with unique and innovative solutions to protect against highly challenging fires. With our licensing agreement to develop patent-pending wireless electronic fire sprinkler technology we are able to deliver protection beyond the capabilities of traditional fire sprinkler systems. Businesses require advanced fire protection systems as the storage industry trends towards increasing capacity with higher ceiling heights, robotic systems and automation, and high-hazard commodities. At Sparx Holdings Group, Inc., we are committed to keeping pace with the quickly evolving fire protection needs of our customers. Sparx will work with you to engineer an optimal solution including application-specific testing, product delivery, and installation and maintenance training and support for high-rack storage, automated storage and retrieval systems (ASRS), highly combustible commodities, and unique building constructions and architectures.

Invest in Sparx

Sparx Holdings Group, Inc. (SHGI) is conducting a direct public offering of its common stock to raise capital for the development of innovative wireless battery-powered fire sprinkler technology invented by our CEO and Director, Cassandra DeNunzio. SHGI’s offering statement containing a preliminary offering circular was submitted to the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on March 31, 2023, and subsequently qualified by the SEC on April 11, 2023. SHGI filed a final offering circular with the SEC on May 11, 2023.
SHGI’s Regulation A Tier 2 offering is now available live and can be viewed on the SEC online public database known as EDGAR.
Your support and investment in SHGI through your purchase of our common stock is greatly appreciated. With your backing, we can disrupt the fire protection industry and develop fire protection technology solutions to suppress and extinguish highly challenging fires across the world. Check out our Investor Relations page to learn more. received $4,000 from the company on 12-12-2023 for 45 days of Video Interview service.