Nightfood CEO Sean Folkson Exercises $120,000 Option to Acquire Shares of NGTF Above Market at $.30/Share

Nightfood CEO Sean Folkson Exercises $120,000 Option to Acquire Shares of NGTF Above Market at $.30/Share

The CEO of Nightfood Holdings, Inc. (OTC: NGTF), Sean Folkson, recently issued a detailed letter to his shareholders outlining what he believes is a very bright future. He did not stop there, he put his money where his mouth is and exercised an option to purchase 400,000 shares at $.30, using accrued salary. It’s not only a strong show of faith in this company’s brand, but also a vote of confidence for the rest of the investors.

Folkson is the single largest shareholder in the company – his success is his company’s success. Find out more about what inspired Folkson to take the plunge with his expiring options.

The Right Moves

Folkson sees not only where the multi-billion snack food industry is headed, but also where his company fits into its larger future. The strategies of NGTF are targeted to capitalize on a market desperate for late-night consumables that fit the consumer’s dietary needs. 44% of all snacking is done at night, according to IRI Worldwide, a huge market that no one has previously specifically catered to.

Nightfood ice cream was developed by a team of nutrition and sleep experts, and the preliminary feedback shows that consumers are desperate for a solution to their nighttime cravings. It’s largely understood that what you eat at night impacts your sleep, and Nightfood is formulated to be both sleep-friendly and deliciously satisfying.

A Major Decision

Folkson made it clear that this investment was not made lightly. The choice to acquire such a large quantity of shares was a major decision for both him and his family. As an insider, Folkson obviously has access to information that is not known to the public, and he ultimately made the choice with both eyes open.

In the letter, Folkson outlined why there was such strong belief in the ice cream, while Nightfood bars have met more moderate success from consumers. He believes the ice cream will excite the market of over 200 Million nighttime snackers in a way that nutrition bars simply cannot.

In a Harris Poll, close to half of all millennials reported that “in bed, watching TV” was their favorite time to enjoy ice cream. With 87% of millennials snacking at night, and ice cream being the 2nd most popular choice (behind only chips), that’s a sizeable market.

A research study conducted revealed that over 67% of ice cream consumers surveyed stated they would definitely buy Nightfood ice cream when it’s available.

Folkson believes this can be a breakout brand in 2019.

MJ Munchies and Cannabis Edibles

Nightfood Holdings, Inc. owns both Nightfood, Inc. and MJ Munchies, Inc.

MJ Munchies is developing a line of THC infused edibles and beverages under the Half-Baked brand name. MJ Munchies recently acquired the domain and applied for federal trademark protection for its Half-Baked brand and has already received registered trademark protection in the critical state of California.

The company has a patent pending on a special ingredient that will distinguish Half-Baked THC-infused products from other edibles on the market.

As NGTF fosters this brand, Half-Baked believes it can be a leader in this emerging space with a brand name that it considers “an unfair advantage”, great products, and an intriguing brand story. As more states legalize recreational marijuana use, the demand for premium brand names is expected to increase, and many investors believe that Half-Baked is the best name in the edibles space.

Nightfood Ice Cream Distribution

The Nightfood team is headed by Sean Folkson, and Jim Christensen, the former VP of Ice Cream Sales for Unilever. In the past 5 years Unilever acquired the Talenti brand, reportedly for over $1B. And, in early 2018, Unilever was reportedly in talks to acquire ice cream brand Halo Top for approximately $2B.

Folkson and Christensen have met with many of the largest retail chains across the country. These retailers tend to avoid new brands, yet Nightfood has already received confirmation from one top-10 supermarket chain that will be taking on the Nightfood line immediately. They will be stocking the product in 100% of their approximately 250 high-volume stores in February.

Nightfood is expecting major media coverage in the coming months to coincide with the launch, as consumers and the media have shown tremendous fascination with the concept of a “sleep-friendly” ice cream to be enjoyed between dinner and bed.

The Future

On a recent conference call, Folkson indicated that he believes Nightfood ice cream revenues can reach $100M in a couple of years. Having studied Talenti, Halo Top, and others, that seems possible if he is right, and Nightfood ice cream truly captures the attention of the nighttime snacking consumer, starved for better options.

About the Author

Stuart Smith is the CEO and Founder of is a recognized corporate investor relations firm, with clients nationwide, known for its ability to help emerging growth companies build a following among retail and institutional investors. utilizes its stock newsletter to feature its daily stock picks, audio interviews, as well as its clients’ financial news releases. also offers individual investors all the tools they need to make informed decisions about the stocks they are interested in. Tools like stock charts, stock alerts, and Company Information Sheets can assist with investing in stocks that are traded on the OTC BB and Pink Sheets. To learn more about and their services, please visit

About the Author

Stuart Smith is the CEO and Founder of is a recognized corporate investor relations firm, with clients nationwide, known for its ability to help emerging growth companies build a following among retail and institutional investors. utilizes its stock newsletter to feature its daily stock picks,  audio interviews, as well as its clients’ financial news releases. also offers individual investors all the tools they need to make informed decisions about the stocks they are interested in. Tools like stock charts, stock alerts, and Company Information Sheets can assist with investing in stocks that are traded on the OTC BB and Pink Sheets. To learn more about and their services, please visit us here.

